79 research outputs found

    An enhanced Multipath Strategy in Mobile Ad hoc Routing Protocols

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    The various routing protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks follow different strategies to send the information from one node to another. The nodes in the network are non static and they move randomly and are prone to link failure which makes always to find new routes to the destination. This research mainly focused on the study of the characteristics of multipath routing protocols in MANETS. Two of the multipath routing protocols were investigated and a comparative study along with simulation using NS2 was done between DSR and AODV to propose an enhanced approach to reach the destination maintaining the QoS. A possible optimization to the DSR and AODV routing protocols was proposed to make no node to be overburdened by distributing the load after finding the alternate multipath routes which were discovered in the Route discovery process. The simulation shows that the differences in the protocol highlighted major differences with the protocol performance. These differences have been analyzed with various network size, mobility, and network load. A new search table named Search of Next Node Enquiry Table (SONNET) was proposed to find the best neighbor node. Using SONNET the node selects the neighbor which can be reached in less number of hops and with less time delay and maintaining the QoS

    Optimal design of HVAC systems for the design of nearly Zero Energy Buildings under different climate conditions

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    This master thesis aims to develop a methodology to identify the optimal operation of different HVAC system configurations for different climate conditions and building typologies. To reach the objective, the work is carried out in three main steps using dedicated tools (DesignBuilder, EnergyPlus, and eppy script (python language)) and running co-simulation. In addition, the nZEB standard established by the most recent edition of the Spanish Technical Building Code is addressed in this study through a parametric optimization study of a reference building. The effectiveness of this legislation is evaluated in terms of its capacity to disseminate the idea of building energy cost optimization and reduce the annual energy consumption in the residential sector. To this end, a reference building was designed and multiple HVAC designs were evaluated using DesignBuilder building energy simulation software and found the best optimization of HVAC solutions through EnergyPlus and eppy. In total, a set of 30 alternative scenarios was established and parametrically evaluated for 5 cities representing the 5 climatic zones of inland Spain (Bilbao, Burgos, Seville, Madrid, and Almeria) resulting in 150 simulations. The results were evaluated utilizing annual energy consumption (electricity, natural gas, and other fuels) values concerning the calibration of set point manager temperature (heating), obtaining the cost-optimal and minimum consumption levels of annual energy. It is worth mentioning that this study is mainly concentrating on the Energy Supply System (ESS), where the Energy Saving Measure (ESM) is kept unchanged, which should be reviewed in future updates

    An Analysis of Understanding of Traffic Signs among Drivers and Pedestrians in Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    This research demonstrates the percentage of drivers and pedestrians understanding the traffic sign in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The survey was conducted among 634 drivers inside and outside of Dhaka city. Moreover, 508 pedestrians participated in the survey within Dhaka city. In comparison, there were 863 male respondents and 279 female respondents among 1142 respondents. The survey took the form of multiple-choice questions that included the picture attached to each sign. However, the survey questionnaires included a few questions regarding driver gender, age, educational qualification, and driving experience. Similarly, the survey questionnaires for pedestrians had also been discussed questions regarding pedestrian gender, age, educational qualification, and job status. The overall traffic sign understanding of drivers was 68.68%. Moreover, the comprehensive traffic signs understanding of pedestrians was 64.5%. The findings showed that the drivers had a medium degree of understanding of the traffic sign’s meaning. However, the study results showed that efforts are needed to educate the drivers and pedestrians about the proper interpretation and reaction to traffic signals

    Design and implementation of FPGA-based systems - a review

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    This paper reviews the state of the art of field programmable gate array (FPGA) with the focus on FPGA-based systems. The paper starts with an overview of FPGA in the previous literature, after that starts to get an idea about FPGA programming. FPGA-based neural networks also provided in this paper in order to highlight the best advantage by using FPGA with this type of intelligent systems, and a survey of FPGA-based control systems design with different applications. In this paper, we focus on the main differences between software-based systems with respect to FPGA-based systems, and the main features for FPGA technology and its real-time applications. FPGA-based robotics systems design also provided in this review, finally, the most popular simulation results with FPGA design and implementations are highlighted


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 関村 直人, 東京大学教授 上坂 充, 東京大学准教授 工藤 久明, 東京大学准教授 糸井 達哉, 長岡技術科学大学教授 鈴木 雅秀University of Tokyo(東京大学

    The Association Between the Voluntary Disclosure of Interim Reports and Company Characteristics in Jordan

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    This research examines the potential association between the voluntary disclosure of reports published every six months and a company’s characteristics. The focus is on selected variables that could influence the voluntary disclosure of information by ASE listed companies in Jordan. The estimation approach of the GMM dynamic panel system has used data selected from 120 ASE listed companies over a five-year period (2012 to 2016). This research also investigates the relationship between voluntary disclosure and the selected companies’ attributes, such as audit committees and the audit firm’s size as well as the company’s size, profitability, leverage, industry type, number of employees, and whether it is foreign owned or shariah approved.The results of this study showed significant differences between the selected companies in the following areas: company size, industry type, company profitability, shariah approval, audit committees, audit company size and voluntary disclosure. The study found also that there is a significant relationship between voluntary disclosure and company size, profitability, type of industry, audit firm size, the audit committee and whether the company is shariah approved. Keywords: Jordan, voluntary disclosure, half-yearly financial reporting, interim financial reports. JEL Classification: M420, G380, M410 DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-32-02 Publication date: November 30th 201

    أزمة الشرعية السياسية في الأنظمة العربية

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    هدف المقال إلى اعطاء لمحة تاريخية عن مفهوم الشرعية السياسية انطلاقاً من الفكر اليوناني وحتى الوقت الحالي، ونظريات نشوئها، كما تطرق المقال إلى أهم مصادر ومؤشرات بناء الشرعية السياسية، وقد استخدمت الدراسة منهجية معمقة شاملة تكونت من المنهج التاريخي ومقترب تحليل النظم ونظرية النخبة، وتوصلت النتائج إلى أن أزمة الشرعية السياسية تنشأ نتيجة لعجز الأنظمة السياسية عن التوفيق ما بين مصالحها ومصالح الشعوب. The article aimed to give a historical overview of the concept of political legitimacy, starting from Greek thought until the present time, and the theories of its emergence. The study also touched on the most important sources and indicators of building political legitimacy. The crisis of political legitimacy arises because of the inability of political systems to reconcile between their interests and the interests of the people

    واقع الغش في التعليم اإللكتروني من وجهة نظر طلبة الجامعات األردنية

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    هدف ْت الدراسة للتعرف على واقع الغش في التعليم اإللكتروني لدى طلبة الجامعات األردنية، من خالل االطالع على األساليب والتقنيات المتبعة من قبل طلبة الجامعات األردنية في الغش في التعليم اإللكتروني. استخدمت الدراسة المنهج المختلط النوعي والكمي، حيث تم استخدام المقابالت كأداة للبحث النوعي والتي خضع لها )65( من طلبة الجامعات األردنية، تم اختيارهم بالطريقة العشوائية البسيطة، وذلك للتعرف على أهم األساليب المتبعة من قبلهم في التعليم اإللكتروني، واستخدم المنهج الكمي أداة االستبانة وطبق ْت على )343( من التي تم تطويرها من األداة األولى طلبة الجامعات األردنية الذين تم اختيارهم بالطريقة العشوائية البسيطة، للتعرف على مدى توافق األساليب المتبعة من قبل طلبة الجامعات األردنية في التعليم اإللكتروني، وأظهرت النتائج األساليب المستخدمة أثناء االختبارات اإللكترونية في الغش ومن أبرزها استخدام الهاتف، ووضحت الدراسة توافق بين األساليب والتقنيات المتبعة من قبل طلبة الجامعات األردنية في الغش في التعليم اإللكتروني. وأوصت الدراسة برفع وعي الطلبة بمشكلة الغش، وزيادة وعيهم باآلثار السلبية للغش، وزيادة الرقابة الذاتية والدوافع الدينية لدى الطلبة، وإجراء المزيد من الدراسات لفهم هذه المشكلة بشكل أفضل وتحديد الخطوات الالزمة لمعالجتها

    Awareness of Dental Interns to Treat Pregnant Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Pregnancy causes major changes in maternal physiology and metabolism, which may lead to increased susceptibility to oral infection. AIM: Aim of this study is to assess the awareness of dental interns regarding the management of the dental needs of pregnant patients. METHODS: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted among 188 interns of a private dental college in Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire comprised of 14 knowledge-based questions regarding their training, awareness and practice management of the pregnant patient in dental clinics. Four questions to record and evaluate their training, the number of pregnant patients treated by them and their confidence level in the dental management of the pregnant patient. Excel spreadsheet was used for mathematical calculations. RESULTS: Almost 62% of our participants never treated a pregnant female during their training. About 65% of the interns knew using antibiotics, almost 55% have a clear idea of the safest NSAIDS, and 43% regarded local anaesthesia to be safe when used among pregnant females. Conversely, about 50% of the participants had no clear knowledge of the FDA category of drugs. Only 24% considered dental radiographs to be safe in pregnant patients. 57% thought to postpone the dental treatment in an acute active dental infection in expecting mothers. Results also showed a lack of confidence among interns to provide dental care to gestating female. CONCLUSION: On analysing the results, we found that there is a need to improve the knowledge, awareness and confidence levels among the interns who are the future dentists treating these patients